Reasonable Accommodation Process for Student Employees

Accommodation Process Guidance for Students Who Work on Campus

Dual Accommodation Process

If you obtain employment on campus that is not a required part of your academic program curriculum and require accommodations for your job:

  1. Notify Your Center for Disability (CDR) Access Coordinator:
    • They will refer you to the Disability Access Team (DAT) in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), or you can contact ODI directly.
    • With your permission, the CDR access coordinator can share relevant documentation with ODI to expedite the process.
  2. ODI’s Role:
    • ODI will notify you if additional information or clarification is needed.
    • They will work with you and your supervisor to determine appropriate accommodations for your job functions.
    • Note: Accommodations granted by CDR may not be applicable or reasonable for your employment. Employment accommodations are based on the essential functions of the job.
  3. Resident Advisors (RA) and Resident Directors (RD):
    • RAs are considered students and work with CDR on accommodations.
    • RDs are considered employees and work with ODI.
  4. Degree-Required Employment:
    • If you are working in an agency or office as a required part of your degree, continue to work with CDR on appropriate and reasonable accommodations.

CDR/ODI Process Similarities

  • Identification:
    • Both student and employee accommodation processes require meetings with either an Access Coordinator or an ODI Disability Access Team member.
  • Review Process:
    • Using various sources such as third-party documentation, lived experiences, and history, both students and employees must participate in an interactive process to determine their access needs.
  • Accommodation Determination:
    • Determinations are based on the disability’s impact in relation to fundamental course/curriculum/program learning objectives and essential job duties.
  • Decision Making:
    • Decisions are mutual and determined on a case-by-case basis within established parameters of essential requirements (course or job-related).

Differences in Accommodation Implementation

  • Student Course Accommodations:
    • Implemented via an accommodation letter that Access Coordinators send to each faculty member.
  • Employee Accommodations:
    • Involve the supervisor regarding what is reasonable and the implementation of approved accommodations in the workplace.

Contact Information

Office of Diversity & Inclusion

306 Steele Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244

T 315.443.5465

Center for Disability Resources

804 University Ave, Third Floor

T 325.443.4498