
ELI Students Share Insights on Being an International Student

When international students travel to the United States to learn English, the language barrier is just one of their challenges. Cultural differences like being overwhelmed in the grocery store, being embarrassed about not tipping a server (there is no tipping in China) or learning where to get help in serious situations are a few of the struggles they encounter. Continue Reading

Syracuse Stage Presents World Premiere Inspired by Local History

Syracuse Stage continues the 2018/19 season with a world premiere production, “Possessing Harriet,” Oct. 17 – Nov. 4. Written by award-winning local playwright and Syracuse Stage associate artistic director Kyle Bass, the 90-minute drama, commissioned by the Onondaga Historical Association, draws inspiration from a slice of 19th-century Central New York history concerning a young enslaved woman named Harriet Powell. Continue Reading

WellsLink Hosts 15th Annual Transitions Ceremony; Welcomes Shaun R. Harper as Keynote

The Office of Multicultural Affairs hosts the 15th annual WellsLink Transitions Ceremony on Friday, Oct. 12, starting at 4 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel. Campus community members are invited to attend the ceremony to honor the WellsLink Scholars from the previous year who have successfully transitioned through the WellsLink Leadership Program and into their second year at Syracuse University.

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University Honors Indigenous Peoples’ Day

On Monday, Oct. 8, Syracuse University will host a Universitywide celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The University community is invited to celebrate and recognize the history, contributions and survival of indigenous peoples. In partnership with the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)’s celebration, the events on both campuses are open to all.

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