
Recent Progress Noted on Diversity and Inclusion Recommendations

Progress is being made on several fronts regarding recommendations made by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion (CWDI) to enhance the campus climate for all members of the University community.

University leadership and the Universitywide Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) note the advancement of several initiatives that have emerged from the recommendations. The council, which was one of the first CWDI recommendations implemented, meets regularly—most recently, Nov. 1—and works with the University community on measures to achieve a more diverse and inclusive campus.

“The work of achieving a diverse and inclusive campus is an ongoing, substantive effort that requires boldness and perseverance,” says council co-chair Diane R. Wiener, director of the Disability Cultural Center. “The council’s work is the work of our entire campus and we are even better and can achieve more when we come together as a community. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members are all crucial voices in this imperative process.”

Read about the developments on the recommendations at SU News.

Live Virtual Conference: ‘Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web, and Technology Conference’

All University faculty, staff and students are invited to the Accessing Higher Ground Virtual Conference, a live, web-based conference focused on accessible media, web and technology, presented by the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD). The 20th annual main conference will be held Wednesday-Friday, Nov. 15-17, and the virtual conference will be hosted in two locations on the University campus. Registration is free; please register online by Monday, Nov. 13, for the sessions you plan to attend.

University Continues Celebration for Native Heritage Month

Throughout the month of November, the Office of Multicultural Affairs within the Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience, in collaboration with student organizations and campus partners, hosts Native Heritage Month. Native Heritage Month offers a variety of events to celebrate the rich and diverse cultures, traditions and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of native people. Read more at SU News.

Trans Day of Remembrance Featuring Jennicet Gutiérrez on Nov. 8

The LGBT Resource Center, within the Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience, presents Transgender Day of Remembrance. Transgender Day of Remembrance is nationally observed on Nov. 20 and honors those who have lost their lives to transphobic violence. To ensure students can participate in commemorating Transgender Day of Remembrance, the LGBT Resource Center will be honoring this day on Wednesday, Nov. 8, and feature an address by trans activist Jennicet Gutiérrez. The address will be from 7-9 p.m. in Maxwell Auditorium. Read more at SU News.

’Cuse Cast Kicks Off Veterans Month

Mike Haynie, vice chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation and Military and Veterans Affairs, anchors this week’s ’Cuse Cast, as we kick off Veterans Month at Syracuse University.
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Student Brings Veteran Support Programs to Campus

As a medic in the U.S. Air Force for 10 years, Adam LeGrand experienced and witnessed traumatic events that had a long-term impact on him. At a recent meeting of the Student Veterans Organization (SVO) housed at University College, LeGrand shared information on the Disabled Student Veteran Liaison Program (DSL), a national peer-to-peer program that assists students with services offered through the Office of Disability Services.

LeGrand,  who is earning a bachelor’s degree in communication and rhetorical studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, guides other student veterans through the process of getting the services they require. “I help them navigate the system, help them access care at the VA hospital or through Tricare and connect them with available resources,” he says. “And, if my schedule allows, I will walk the student veteran to the Office of Disability Services and wait in the waiting area while they meet with a staff member—just to show that they have someone who supports them.”

Read more at SU News!