
Schools and Colleges Announce Speakers for 2017 Convocations

A lifelong advocate for the arts, an entrepreneur and accomplished students are among the many fascinating speakers to highlight the convocation ceremonies for Syracuse University’s schools and colleges. The convocations are scheduled later this week before the University’s 163rd Commencement on Sunday, May 14. Read about each of the speakers at SU News.

Advancing Diversity and Inclusion at Syracuse University

A Status Report on the Short-Term Recommendations Made by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion

The University has released its latest status report detailing progress on recommendations by the University-wide Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion to create a more welcoming, inclusive campus. Read more at SU News.

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. to Deliver Syracuse University’s 2017 Commencement Address

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., civil rights activist, business executive and attorney, will deliver the 2017 Commencement address at the ceremony for Syracuse University on Sunday, May 14, at the Carrier Dome. Jordan will also be awarded an honorary degree, a Doctor of Laws, at the 163rd Commencement exercises.

“Vernon Jordan has been a leading American civil rights leader and public policy advisor for more than 50 years,” says Chancellor Kent Syverud. “Our graduates will benefit from hearing Mr. Jordan’s insights and perspective on the global society they are about to enter. His vast experience and success in government and business, combined with his commitment to a civil and just society, will inspire our students as they set off to chart their own course in the world.”

Read more at SU News.

Student Donation Brings Charge to Electric Vehicles on Campus (Video)

As a student entrepreneur who runs the clean-tech company SparkCharge, Josh Aviv ’14 (and a graduate student in the School of Information Studies) says he was surprised to learn there were no locations on campus to charge an electric vehicle. Electric cars are equipped to be charged using a wall socket, but that takes longer than the charging stations themselves. Thanks to Aviv, this is no longer the case.

“We had previously been working to install charging stations along the Thruway when we realized they would be put to better use here on campus serving our community,” says Aviv.

Read the full article at SU News.

Voting Open for Final Restroom Signage Options

The Office of Campus Planning, Design and Construction, LGBT Resource Center and Office of Residence Life, along with other campus restroom signage committee members, have shared the final design considerations for single-occupancy restroom signage. Throughout the past year, the committee has led the effort to determine signage to accompany the growing number of gender-inclusive, accessible, single-occupancy restrooms across campus. Read the full article at SU News.

McNair Research Symposium: In Honor of an Astronaut, a Path at Syracuse to Hope and Dreams

Ericka Jones-Craven grew up with a deep presence in the church. Jones-Craven’s father was an Apostolic elder. Her mother served as a missionary. Attending worship services was a regular part of Jones-Craven’s Georgia childhood.

That ended, at least for a while, when Jones-Craven arrived at Syracuse University. For the first time, with full control of her own schedule, Jones-Craven drifted away from the routine of the church. That decision initially seemed to be a burst of freedom.

Read more at SU News.

Chancellor Syverud Names the Rev. Dr. Brian E. Konkol 7th Dean of Hendricks Chapel

Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud today announced the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Brian E. Konkol as dean of Hendricks Chapel. Reporting directly to the Chancellor, Dean Konkol will strengthen the role of the chapel as the spiritual heart of the campus and a model for diversity and inclusion of philosophies and religions. Konkol’s appointment is effective July 15 and has been approved by the Board of Trustees Executive Committee. See the full article at SU News.