
SASE Hosts STEM Exploration Day

This spring, Syracuse University’s chapter of the Society of Asian Engineers (SASE) hosted a STEM exploration outreach event for Henninger High School students with an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The event provided 40 high school students with an understanding of the college application process, career outcomes of STEM, a tour of campus, introductions to… continue reading.

Honors Students Awarded Crown/Wise Funding for Capstone Projects

From determining the toxicity of certain chemicals in Onondaga Lake to the architecture of learning environments to a film about cross-cultural adoption, students in the Renée Crown Honors Program are going deep into their fields for their capstone projects and exploring… read more.

WellsLink Program Receives National Recognition for Retention Efforts

During her first year on campus, Alexis Peña ’16 got a disappointing grade on a math test. She texted her Wellslink academic consultant, Jessica Santana ’11, G’13, to tell her the news.

“That same day she picked me up and we went out to eat and went thrift shopping,” says Peña, a biomedical engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. “She knew exactly what I needed.”

Read more at SU News.


This spring, Syracuse University’s chapter of the Society of Asian Engineers (SASE) hosted a STEM exploration outreach event for Henninger High School students with an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The event provided 40 high school students with an understanding of the college application process, career outcomes of STEM, a tour of campus, introductions to new technologies, and a hands-on activity. Read the full article.

More than a Decade of Dialogue, C.A.R.E. Celebrates Continued Impact, Growth

What started as a pilot program for student staff in the residence halls, Conversations about Race and Ethnicity (C.A.R.E.) is now a staple Student Affairs program that has engaged more than 1,000 campus community members in important and critical dialogue.

With the successful implementation of for-credit dialogue circle classes occurring at Syracuse University, the Division of Student Affairs, Office of Academic Affairs and Community Wide Dialogue to End Racism collaborated to institute a co-curricular option.

“Through previous collaborations with Academic Affairs, Student Affairs was focused on producing educational outcomes within our co-curricular programs. With that philosophical approach in mind, it made sense to me and my colleagues to have a co-curricular dialogue option to offer students,” says Barry L. Wells who served as senior vice president and dean of student affairs when the program was initiated and currently serves as a special assistant to Chancellor Kent Syverud.  “With existing diversity education already happening with our staff throughout the division, expanding our programming to include C.A.R.E. helped to educate our students about diversity issues where they lived.”

Read the original article at SU News.

It’s On Us: Addressing Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence

In early April, the campus held the spring “It’s On Us” National Week of Action, part of the White House’s “It’s On Us” campaign aimed at ending sexual assault on college campuses. The campaign is one of the many ways Syracuse University has continued to advance how it addresses sexual and relationship violence. Other efforts include the work of the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy; the formation of the Chancellor’s Task Forceon Sexual and Relationship Violence; the early endorsement of the Enough is Enough legislation and the University’s decision to be the first private university to sign onto the Campus Accountability and Safety Act.

Read the full story at SU News.