Chancellor Syverud Announces Members of Ad Hoc Committee on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)/Undocumented Students

In his Dec. 7 message to Syracuse University students, faculty and staff, Chancellor Kent Syverud charged the Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience, the Council on Diversity and Inclusion and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to work together to ensure all members of the community are protected from physical harm, discrimination and intimidation.

As a result of that collaboration and following several weeks of collecting nominations from the campus community, Chancellor Syverud today announced the members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)/Undocumented Students.

The committee will focus on establishing opportunities for dialogue and reflection among students, faculty and staff to promote and advance a diverse and inclusive campus community. It will also seek to understand the long-term needs of Syracuse’s diverse student body, many of whom may be undocumented or beneficiaries of the DACA program. For more information on the committee, visit SU News.