Student Experience Update, 8.27.2018

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

I join Chancellor Syverud in welcoming all of you to the start of a new academic year. By now, you have likely viewed the Chancellor’s video message to the community. As he noted, a lot of important progress has been achieved over the last several months; though significant work remains to advance a University community that is supportive, welcoming and empowering.

I write today to share with you three important updates:

New Resources
• The Office of Health Promotion welcomed a new health promotion specialist for alcohol and other drug prevention.
• Mindfulness programming to promote self-reliance and stress management is now available to students. To learn more, visit
• The Office of First-Year and Transfer Programs hired a new assistant director of international student orientation (fluent in Chinese).
• A search is underway in the Counseling Center for a contract psychiatrist and an additional psychiatric nurse practitioner.

Student Conduct
• The student conduct process for the Theta Tau students concluded in late July when the University Appeals Board issued final written decisions to the students.
• The University cannot comment on the specific outcomes due to federal privacy law.
• While the student conduct process is complete, 10 Theta Tau students are pursuing legal action against the University seeking immediate return to campus. The litigation is ongoing.
• Syracuse University stands by the action we took to defend the standards of conduct on our campus.

Career Services
• The College of Arts and Sciences, the Falk College, the College of Visual and Performing Arts and the College of Engineering and Computer Science are in the process of hiring career coaches/advisors.
• Today, we launched Handshake, the new career services management tool, to enhance connections to jobs, internships, employers, career development opportunities and career events.
• Our central Career Services team has refocused its attention to serve the broader University career network as the hub for career-related assessment, technology, employer and alumni relations, and major exploration. The two career exploration specialists serve as dedicated resources for students who are thinking of changing majors, transferring or need additional guidance.

You will continue to receive regular updates from University leaders on important initiatives. Later this week, Keith Alford, interim chief diversity officer, will provide an update on the work underway to foster a more diverse, inclusive and thriving living and learning community.

Dolan Evanovich
Senior Vice President, Enrollment and the Student Experience