Maxwell School Invites Undergraduate Students of Color to Daylong ‘Public Policy Camp’ for Career Exploration

The Maxwell School is partnering with the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management to host a one-day “Public Policy Camp” designed to introduce promising young students of color to the field and to help ensure that diverse perspectives are represented in leadership roles wherever public policies are made and implemented.

This year’s camp, titled “Moving Beyond Activism to Good Public Policy: Having a Voice at the Table,” will be held Friday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Dr. Paul and Natalie Strasser Legacy Room, Eggers Hall 220. The event is free and open to undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors across New York State by prior registration.

APPAM/Maxwell Public Policy Camp participants will:

  • engage with students from across New York State, as well as Maxwell School faculty and alumni on public and social issues;
  • learn about the skills that can transform social activism into good public policy;
  • meet leaders who live and work in the policy field;
  • explore the career possibilities gained by having a public policy and administration skill set; and
  • leave excited about public policy as an academic, personal, and professional pathway.

Participants will leave armed with not only new knowledge and a network of fellow students sharing their public service/activist spirit but also a host of alumni and faculty contacts for continued advice and mentorship, as well as resources for next steps so they can be successful in achieving their public service goals.

“Having diverse perspectives at the policy table leads to better, more effective and inclusive public policy,” says Robert Bifulco, associate dean and chair of the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs. “There continues to be a lack of trained policy professionals of color in leadership positions in the public policy community. We must work collectively to address this problem, and we are proud to partner with APPAM on this initiative.”

Please visit to register and for more information about deadlines and travel subsidies for qualified participants. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until the venue reaches capacity.