University Honors Indigenous Peoples’ Day

On Monday, Oct. 8, Syracuse University will host a Universitywide celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The University community is invited to celebrate and recognize the history, contributions and survival of indigenous peoples. In partnership with the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)’s celebration, the events on both campuses are open to all.

The schedule of events includes:

Celebrate Indigenous Survival
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Einhorn Family Walk

Join the Indigenous Students at Syracuse student organization and Native Student Program within the Office of Multicultural Affairs in celebration of indigenous survival. The table will feature information about indigenous cultures and identities and provide opportunities to celebrate and recognize indigenous survival.

Indigenous Peoples’ Days Gathering
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
ESF Quad

Attend the opening Thanksgiving Address and hear more about the history and importance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. There will also be a poster-making station and indigenous foods workshop with samples. Please bring your own dish and spoon.

Film Screening of ‘On a Knife Edge’
5:30 p.m.
Marshall Auditorium, ESF
Co-hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration Student Association and the Society for Conservation Biology student organization, “On a Knife Edge” shares the story of a Lakota teenager learning what it means to lead a new generation during the American Indian Movement while growing up on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Poster Exhibit
Gateway Building, ESF

Biidaaban Moses Reinhardt, a graduate student in ESF’s Sustainable Construction Management and Engineering Program, curated this exhibit.

In addition to on-campus events, the University community is also invited to attend the Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation’s (NOON) event at 4:30 p.m. in Columbus Circle in Downtown Syracuse.

For more information, contact Regina Jones, assistant director of the Native Student Program, at or 315.443.0258.