International Thanksgiving Celebration Will Introduce Students to American Thanksgiving Traditions

International students will be treated to an American Thanksgiving meal, featuring traditional fare, at Syracuse University’s 34th International Thanksgiving Celebration on Thursday, Nov. 15.

The event will be held in Goldstein Auditorium in the Schine Student Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and dinner prepared by Syracuse University Food Services will be served at 7 p.m. The celebration is open to all of the University’s international students. Tickets are required; the event is sold out.

Turkey and the traditional trimmings—such as dressing, mashed and sweet potatoes, vegetables, cranberry relish and pumpkin pie—are part of the dinner, which is designed to introduce international students to the American Thanksgiving tradition. The meal is served family style, and members of the University and greater Syracuse communities serve as table hosts, keeping conversation lively and answering questions about the celebration.

Greetings will be offered by George Athanas, interim director of the Slutzker Center for International Services; Chancellor Kent Syverud; and Craig Slutzker, as an alumnus and benefactor of the Slutzker Center. The Rev. Brian Konkol, dean of Hendricks Chapel, will offer the invocation, and a Native American Thanksgiving address will be offered by Regina Jones, assistant director of the Native Student Program and a member of the Oneida Nation’s Turtle Clan. Muslim Chaplain Amir Duric will offer the benediction.

Held annually, the celebration is an opportunity to share North American Thanksgiving traditions with people from around the world, says Dr. Ruth Chen, professor of practice in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and key organizer of the celebration. “It is more than sharing a delicious meal. We come together, as members of the campus and global community, to teach and to learn.”