Update from Special Committee on University Climate, Diversity and Inclusion Co-Leads

Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community:

We are writing to you today to update you on the work of the Special Committee on University Climate, Diversity and Inclusion, which was formed by the Board of Trustees last semester, as well as the Independent Advisory Panel advising the special committee. Our mission is to review the University’s existing framework for diversity and inclusion and provide a report and recommendations by the end of June regarding programs, policies and initiatives designed to build a sustainable, world-class approach to diversity and inclusion at Syracuse.

Our committee is composed of passionate, longtime members of the Syracuse University community. Some of us grew up here, and many of us studied here. Most importantly, we have all remained deeply involved with the University throughout our adult lives and we each joined this committee because we know that Syracuse University can and should be a leader in diversity and inclusion. We encourage you to learn more about all members of the committee here.

Similarly, the Independent Advisory Panel is also already hard at work, having met with leaders of the diversity and inclusion community on campus, and they will continue to engage in these important conversations. The panel is composed of a diverse group of renowned experts with tremendous experience moving universities forward. They will help us develop our report and recommendations and you can learn more about them here.

Members of the special committee will also be visiting campus in February to host our first listening and dialogue sessions with small groups of students, faculty and other members of our campus community. You will continue to hear from the special committee throughout the semester as we seek to gather your input in a variety of ways—including through surveys, listening sessions and more—to ensure our final report and recommendations represent all of the Syracuse community.

In doing this work, we are cognizant of the continuing challenges we face on these issues across the country and on our own campus, but we are confident in our commitment to assuring that Syracuse University will be a leader in providing a welcoming and inclusive community for all.

Richard Alexander and Jeffrey Scruggs
Co-Leads, Special Committee on University Climate, Diversity and Inclusion