McNair Scholars Present Research at Two-Day Symposium

Roshad Meeks is a self-described “military brat.” His father served in the U.S. Army, and Meeks spent much of his childhood in Germany. He was 11 or 12 when his family returned to Columbus, a little Mississippi city of about 23,000 people where the Meeks family had lived for generations.

Roshad’s dad, almost immediately, taught his son a quiet lesson about the meaning of being home:

“If you want to learn to be a man of the community,” the father said, “you go to the barber shop.”

Roshad became a regular at Jordan’s, in a building “right next to a grocery store, across the street from the middle school.” He’d sit quietly and listen as older men talked about sports or politics. He’d watch as men of standing in the community—the mayor, the district attorney, the minister of a nearby church—settled comfortably into Bobby Jordan’s chair. Read more at SU News.