Message from Chancellor Syverud

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

Last week, the U.S. Department of Education released proposed new rules governing how colleges and universities must address allegations of sexual violence and harassment on their campuses. These rules are significantly different from prior guidance given to colleges and universities for carrying out mandates of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”).

At the same time, New York State’s “Enough is Enough” legislation and corresponding guidance imposes many of the same procedural requirements found in prior guidance issued by the Department of Education. Notably, in 2015 Syracuse University was the first private college/university in New York State to support this legislation.

To ensure Syracuse University remains a leader in combating sexual and relationship violence, I have asked the Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence, the Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services, and the Office of the University Counsel to review the new proposed rules.

I have asked that this review take place with a sense of urgency and with due consideration to the overall values of Syracuse University.

I also want to take this opportunity to reiterate the many services and resources available to students, faculty and staff who have been impacted by sexual and relationship violence. To learn more about those services, as well as reporting options, please take a moment to read this message shared earlier this semester by Dean Robert Hradsky and Chief Equal Opportunity and Title IX Officer Sheila Johnson.


Chancellor Kent Syverud