Office of Program Development Adopts New Name, Adds Alumni Advisory Council

Syracuse University’s Office of Program Development has a new name: the Office of Multicultural Advancement. Simultaneously, the office has announced the formation of a new alumni advisory council. Both moves are intended to further the Office of Multicultural Advancement’s mission fostering diverse alumni involvement with the University and supporting Black and Latino students.

Part of SU’s Division of Advancement and External Affairs, the Office of Multicultural Advancement is the University’s diverse alumni engagement and fundraising unit. Since its founding in 1982, it has planned 12 Coming Back Together on-campus reunions, numerous regional events and activities, and several alumni trips. It has also awarded more than 1,300 scholarships under the Our Time Has Come (OTHC) scholarship program, which benefits Black and Latino students with an unmet financial need.

Assistant Vice President Rachel Vassel ’91, who oversees the Office of Multicultural Advancement, believes the new name will better position the unit to serve its key constituents, both off campus and within the University.

“I believe the new name will clarify the function of the office and offer an immediate understanding of who we are and what we do,” Vassel says. “As we look to grow the OTHC Scholarship and Leadership Programs, we will need more clarity around our name in seeking corporate partnerships for fundraising events, student programs and alumni initiatives.”

In addition to Vassel, the Office of Multicultural Advancement is composed of Arianne Dowdell G’96, senior director of operations and partnerships; Miko Horn ’95, director of alumni events; Adrian Prieto, director of development; and Angela Morales-Patterson, assistant director of alumni and donor engagement.

Members of Multicultural Advancement’s newly formed advisory council will be announced next month. All are engaged alumni who are also University donors. “Multicultural Advancement’s advisory council consists of accomplished and committed alumni who will help us to reach our fundraising and programmatic goals,” says Dowdell, who will be responsible for council oversight. “It will be wonderful to include a greater number of diverse alumni perspectives within the University’s volunteer ranks.”

For more information on the Office of Multicultural Advancement, visit, email or call 315.443.4556.