Two New Members Appointed to Universitywide Diversity and Inclusion Council

Two new members have been named to Syracuse University’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion. New Hendricks Chapel Dean Brian Konkol and Graduate Student Organization External Vice President Sweta Roy were appointed to the council, which is the primary advisory committee on diversity and inclusion to Chancellor Kent Syverud.

The Universitywide Council on Diversity and Inclusion, co-chaired by Diane R. Wiener, director of the Disability Cultural Center, and Barry L. Wells, special assistant to the Chancellor, was created following a recommendation by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion. The council members were appointed by Chancellor Syverud last fall.

“The council appreciates Brian and Sweta coming on board to assist with its critical work.”  Wells says. “We have made some important gains across campus, but there are still many areas that we need to address in order to create a more welcoming and inclusive campus with greater access, equity and respectful spaces for all members of our community.”

Read more at SU News.