Syracuse University Reasonable Accommodations
As a staff or faculty member, you may need a reasonable accommodation for your workplace, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion is here to help.
What is a Reasonable Accommodation?
A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment that allows a person with a disability to participate in a comparable way as those without disabilities without imposing an “undue hardship.”
The Syracuse University Disability Access Team resolves, on average, 22 reasonable accommodations per month!
Disability Types
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a disability is defined as: a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, including major bodily functions, the record of such, or being regarded by others as having an impairment.
Some injuries or conditions can result in a disability that is temporary and only requires a reasonable accommodation for a specific period of time.
Some injuries or conditions result in a disability that is long-term and requires a reasonable accommodation over an extended period of time.
The Importance of Reasonable Accommodations
Fair Work Environment
Staff or faculty members who need reasonable accommodations are assisted by modification or adjustments to accomplish their work responsibilities. Providing them with these supports, in the form of reasonable accommodations, is a way to ensure a fair work experience.
Improved Work Experience
Staff or faculty members who receive reasonable accommodations are able to effectively perform their essential job functions, which usually results in improved performance.
Improved Retention
Staff or faculty members who receive reasonable accommodations are more likely to remain at their workplace.
Legal Requirement
The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that reasonable accommodations be provided to employees under certain conditions and situations.
Popular types of Reasonable Accommodations
Parking Accommodation
A request to revise a staff or faculty member’s current parking location on campus.
Flexible Work Arrangement
A request to revise your current work schedule due to temporary or long-term disability condition.
Ergonomic Equipment
A request to revise or add equipment to your work environment due to an injury or applicable condition.