CORE Four Workshops

CORE Four Workshops

CORE Four DEIA Workshops – a set of workshops developed to provide staff, faculty and students with fundamental elements of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility:

More Than An Acronym – What is DEIA and Why Should It Matter to Me? 

January 8, 2025, 9:30 to 11 a.m. – Virtual

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility are terms used frequently in many contexts. Within higher education, they have been integrated into various acronyms that represent offices and educational programming. While acronyms serve a purpose, an overuse of them can create a lack of clarity of what they stand for. This workshop is designed to unpack the acronym D.E.I.A. (diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility) by exploring their distinct definitions and recognizing the importance of using & understanding language within a community.

From Performance to Purpose: Engaging in the Creative Process to Reimagine Allyship

January 29, 2025, 9:30 to 11 a.m. – Virtual 

What does it truly mean to be an ally? We see the word and think that wearing or displaying a sign of our commitment to equity and inclusion for minoritized groups is sufficient; when we may not know why we choose to be an ally. Or, that it is a process that requires not only knowledge acquisition, but purposeful action. The 5 Stages of the Creative Process is a model used by artists to describe taking a concept and bringing it life through various mediums. Similarly, this model can serve as a framework to take the concept of allyship through a process that results in a work that we all can participate in.

“But I Didn’t Mean It That Way”:  Unpacking the Impact of Microaggressions

February 5, 2025, 9:30 to 11 a.m. – Schine Student Center 228

April 9, 2025, 9:30 to 11 a.m. – Schine Student Center 228

While some may believe the road to equity and inclusion is “paved with good intentions,” language that is left unchecked can have a destructive impact. Microaggressions are more than just words; they are subtle acts of exclusion. Not only do we need to identify what they are, we need to unpack why they cause harm, and how they differ from other acts of discrimination. This interactive workshop will allow participants to critically reflect on their intentions vs impact with regard to language and learn strategies to intervene when they observe microaggressions occur.

Name It, Claim It, Reframe It:  Understanding Power, Privilege and Oppression

March, 19 2025, 9:30 to 11 a.m. – Schine Student Center 228 

Pre-requisite required:  Completion of the “More Than An Acronym – What is D.E.I.A. and Why Should It Matter to Me” session prior to attending this session is required.  Attendance in previous semesters is acceptable.

Privilege. So many people have it and yet so many hesitate to talk about or even admit that they have it. The goal of this workshop is to not just share definitions and name what privilege, power, and oppression are but to also help participants  discover the privileges they hold due to their participation in a system that involves intersections of social identities.  It is through this awareness of how social identities influence one’s access and barriers in society that we can shift away from approaching this topic through a singular lens.  Please note, this workshop is a pilot and will be used to fully develop the session for future possible offerings.