
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility Resources 

Navigating campus and locating the multitude of resources that are available to help staff, students, and faculty achieve academic, personal, and professional success is not necessarily easy.  The below list of resources has been curated to help direct marginalized individuals to the supports they may need throughout their time on campus.   

Resources for Students, Staff and Faculty: 

Bias, Discrimination, and Racism 

Disability Access 

Harassment and Assault 



Faith-Based Affiliations 


Resources for Students: 


Community Service and Engagement 


Faith-Based Affiliation  


Harassment and Assault 

Health and Wellness 



Study Abroad 

Veterans and Military-Connected 

Resources for Staff and Faculty:  

Affinity Groups 

  • Asian-American Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Affinity Group 
  • Barnes Center Staff LGBTQ+ Affinity Group 
  • Christian Staff and Faculty Association  
  • Jewish Faculty and Staff Affinity Group 
  • Latinx Staff and Faculty Affinity Group 
  • LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Affinity Group 
  • Maxwell Faculty of Color Affinity Group 
  • Maxwell Staff of Color Affinity Group 
  • SistaProf Affinity Group 
  • Staff Disability Affinity Group 
  • Staff of Color Affinity Group 
  • Syracuse University Native Faculty and Staff 
  • SU/ESF Parent/Family of Queer & Trans Students Affinity Group 
  • Syracuse University Veterans Affinity Group 
  • Women in Athletics Affinity Group 
  • Women in Science and Engineering 

Bias, Discrimination and Racism 

Health and Wellness 

Hiring and Recruitment 

Professional Development  

Questions or suggestions?  Contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. 

If you have experienced bias please report your experience to the Syracuse University StopBias and Hate team.