Resources FAQ

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility FAQ

DEIA resources banner


I have experienced bias, racism, or discrimination, how should I report it?
Please contact StopBias and Hate to report your experience.

I have experienced bias and want to talk about it with someone but I don’t know if I want to report it, what should I do?
Contact StopBias and Hate and we will connect you with someone to talk to.

I think I may have been discriminated against in class by a professor, what should I do?
Contact StopBias and Hate and you will be connected with someone to speak with.


I have been the victim of sexual or relationship violence and want to report it, is there someone I can speak with?
Yes.  Individuals who believe that they have experienced gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual misconduct have the right to make a report to the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety, local law enforcement, and/or state police or choose not to report; to report the incident to Syracuse University; to be protected by Syracuse University from retaliation for reporting an incident, and to receive supportive measures from Syracuse University.  Please review the University Title IX Complaint Process for your options. 

Please reach out to the Barnes Center at The Arch Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team and you will be connected with someone who can help you.

I have been the victim of sexual or relationship violence but I am not sure I want to report it, is there someone I can speak with?
Absolutely. Please contact the Barnes Center at The Arch Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team and you will be connected with someone to talk to.


I am struggling academically and need some assistance, who can I speak with?
Contact Student Outreach and Support to speak with someone and learn your options.

I need a tutor, who can I speak with?
Contact the Center for Learning and Student Success.


I would like to connect with others who share in my faith or I would like to explore different faith communities, where should I go?                                                                             Contact or visit Hendricks Chapel.


I don’t think I can afford to stay in school, do I have any options?
Yes. Reach out to the Office of Financial Literacy and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs.

I want to study abroad but can’t afford it, do I have any options?
Contact Syracuse Abroad and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs.

What scholarships are available at Syracuse University?
Visit our Scholarship webpages.

I can’t afford food, what can I do?
Visit the Hendricks Chapel Food Pantry and contact Student Outreach and Support.

I can’t afford my books, is there anything I can do?
Contact Student Outreach and Support and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs.


I am having trouble concentrating on my classwork, is there something I can do?
Contact the Center for Disability Resources. to learn about options and available help.

I think I might have a disability but am not sure, who can I speak with?
If you are a student, please contact the Center for Disability Resources. Staff and faculty should contact the Disability Access Team in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion

I have a disability that is impacting my academics but don’t want anyone to know, is there anything I can do?
Yes. Please reach out to the Center for Disability Resources.

Mental Health

I want to speak with a therapist, who should I call?
Contact the Barnes Center at The Arch for help finding someone to talk to.

I have had feelings of hopelessness and despondency, who can I speak to?
Please reach out to the Barnes Center at The Arch and you will be connected with someone who can help.


I want to get involved in a student organization, what should I do?
View a full list of registered student organizations to learn about all the great opportunities on campus.

I want to engage with multicultural students on campus, where should I go?
There are many cultural organizations on campus! Visit their web pages to learn more:


How can I connect with the queer community on campus?
Visit the LGBTQ Resource Center.

Looking for an answer to a question that we don’t have listed?

Contact us and let us know.